Happy Mother's Day to my Mom, Vi Lowe, who left the Earth in 1999

When your Mom has left the Earth, Mother's Day can be a bit bitter sweet.  BUT my Mom was a great mom and i have so many happy and positive memories from the 42 years of life shared.   Regardless of her political affiliation, she was a progressive, truly ahead of her time.  She was in college calculus in the early 1950s!  She was (only) the 2nd female member of the Wheaton school board.  She supported high school girls wearing slacks (interestingly at a time when my sister was getting some push back from doing so).  Even though personal computers were more a "my generation" thing, she embraced them... buying a number of early models and learning how to use them effectively.  She was even willing to learn some computer programming (from me of course).  i see now that it was more about connecting with her son than her thinking programming would somehow be useful to her.  She was a eager and organized student as shown in this picture (which i took recently while cleaning out a spare bedroom):